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Agriculture for Food Security and Rural Growth

Rebecca Blake


ISBN: 9798887150635
eISBN: 9798887151878
Pages: 294
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English



India is self- sufficient in grain production. Agriculture and allied activities constitute the single largest contributor, almost 33 per cent, to the Gross Domestic Product. About two-thirds of the work force in the country depends on agriculture as a means of livelihood. India, at present, finds itself in the midst of a paradoxical situation: on the one hand there are record food grain stocks standing at an all-time high (62 million tonnes against an annual requirement of around 20 million tonnes), and on the other hand, over 200 million of India’s population is underfed, and millions are undernourished. The real challenge is to bridge this gap through policy and infrastructure support. This book attempts to enlighten its reader about such socio-economic concerns.

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Rebecca Blake